3-Day Quote Challenge | Day 1

Complex Ep10 Inner Breasts

Anime: Lovely Complex

| Episode: 10

I’d like to thank Kankitsu of Citrus Anime Reviews for nominating me for the 3-Day Quote Challenge! I know my post isn’t exactly that different from one of my regular posts, but I will use this as an opportunity to post quotes that are perhaps a little less funny but still interested me enough to take a screenshot. I like the above quote because, while amusing and a bit absurd, it tells us to not be afraid of expressing the feelings we have in our hearts.

The rules are as follows:

  1. Post one quote a day for 3 days.
  2. Nominate 3 other bloggers to participate per post.
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you.


  1. Wanimu
  2. Jamie Talks Anime
  3. Anime Reviewer Girl

Note to the nominees: I schedule these posts in advance, so I apologize if I don’t notify you until sometime later.